書籍「セイラマスオの気まぐれガンプラ製作記」の英語版電子書籍「SEIRA-MASUO's Whimsical Gunpla Produciton Notes」が、アメリカ、イギリス、カナダ、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、オランダのAmazonで好評販売中だ。
SEIRA-MASUO's Whimsical Gunpla Produciton Notes
価格:$12.85(Amazon US)
ASIN(Amazon US):B0CV58B14H
価格:$12.85(Amazon US)
ASIN(Amazon US):B0CV58B14H
・Introducing the production setup, including the tools and materials for whimsical construction methods
・Let's start with an introduction to the fundamentals of “Masuo Detailing”
・SEIRA-MASUO’s Whimsical Gunpla Production Notes 16 Enhancing detail using the kit’s mold colors
・Brush painting with water-based acrylic paint
・Changing proportions while keeping the kit’s mold color 46 Review of techniques covered so far
・Customization using parts from other kits 70 Kit-bashing using two kits
・Finish it the way you like it!
・SEIRA-MASUO’s Whimsical Gunpla Production Notes Gallery of finished works
・ MS-14JG Shin Matsunaga’s Gelgoog J (HJ Original Ver.)
・AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra (HJ Original Ver.)
・GNX-803T Jinx IV (mass-produced unit) (HJ Original Ver.)
・XXX-01W Wing Gundam (HJ Original Ver.)
・OZ-06MS Leo (Full Weapon Set) & OZ-06MS Leo (Space Specification) (HJ Original Vers.)
・Hobby Japan Modeler's SEIRA-MASUO Colleciton
・Publication Info
・Introducing the production setup, including the tools and materials for whimsical construction methods
・Let's start with an introduction to the fundamentals of “Masuo Detailing”
・SEIRA-MASUO’s Whimsical Gunpla Production Notes 16 Enhancing detail using the kit’s mold colors
・Brush painting with water-based acrylic paint
・Changing proportions while keeping the kit’s mold color 46 Review of techniques covered so far
・Customization using parts from other kits 70 Kit-bashing using two kits
・Finish it the way you like it!
・SEIRA-MASUO’s Whimsical Gunpla Production Notes Gallery of finished works
・ MS-14JG Shin Matsunaga’s Gelgoog J (HJ Original Ver.)
・AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra (HJ Original Ver.)
・GNX-803T Jinx IV (mass-produced unit) (HJ Original Ver.)
・XXX-01W Wing Gundam (HJ Original Ver.)
・OZ-06MS Leo (Full Weapon Set) & OZ-06MS Leo (Space Specification) (HJ Original Vers.)
・Hobby Japan Modeler's SEIRA-MASUO Colleciton
・Publication Info